I have a love/hate relationship with Women’s Conferences

Two weeks ago I attended the IF:Wilmington women’s conference in my hometown of Wilmington, NC.  There were around 800 women that attended with me.  It was a beautiful picture of the body of Christ because we were young, old, and middle-aged (me!) as well as black, white, Hispanic and Asian.  I was privileged to serve at the conference as a greeter so I was able to speak to many of the women who attended.

As they came in, I noticed things about their outward appearance. Short hair and long hair.  Boots and flats.  Long wavy hair and short pixie cuts.  Teens and grandmas.  Stylish and frumpy.
inner beauty


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When our advantages are in fact our disadvantages

Men and women milled about at my husband’s corporate dinner party. My husband, who is a nuclear engineer, was busy talking in technical jargon with his coworkers. I was playing the role of being the dutiful housewife and standing by his side.  “What do you do, Lisa?” his friends occasionally asked to which I replied, “I’m a stay-at-home mother.”   I have been a stay-at-home mother and a housewife for eighteen years, and I have loved it.  But standing there in the midst of engineers and corporate executives, I felt less-than.  What I really wanted to shout to them was, “I’M A NUCLEAR ENGINEER, TOO!!”IMG_415630percent


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Digging deep for a courageous heart

The stage lights are up and the stage sits empty, waiting for her to come up.  She is praying fervently in her seat that it will go well.  She looks to her husband and friend and whispers, “Pray for me.”  It’s almost time.  She studies her notes one last time and prays for God to give her the words to say.  And then it is time. The pastor of the church calls her up.  Her heart flutters as she hears his words:

“Lisa, come on up and make the announcements.”

courageous (more…)

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