Are you the “poor in spirit” that Jesus calls blessed?

I got out of my car and hugged my friend.  No, it was more than a hug…it was an strong embrace, and I didn’t want it to ever end.  I typically don’t enjoy hugs (it’s a sensory thing) but on this night, I needed her hug.  I needed the strength of my friend to hold the broken pieces of my life together.  I needed the strength of her spirit to communicate with mine that it all was going to be okay.



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Even the Son of God needed help

For the past year and a half I have struggled  with chronic facial pain.  At times it feels like I am “The Man in the Iron Mask” or like I have had multiple facelifts and chemical peels.  After multiple MRIs and CAT scans and trips to the neurosurgeon’s office and a lot of money, I still have no answers and no treatment plan.   Unless God heals me, I’m stuck with this pain for the rest of my life. I’m 45, so I have a lot of years left to live.  And the thought of living the rest of my life with this  pain is not a happy thought.



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When our plans fail and we cry on the floor

We have a tradition of having my daughter’s boyfriend over for dinner on Saturday nights.  On this particular weekend, he was home from college, so I planned to “pull out all of the stops” to fix him a nice, home-cooked meal.  We were having chicken lasagna, filled with yummy noodles and cheesy goodness.   I had gathered my recipe, looked over the ingredients, and declared that I was good to go.  plans (more…) Sharing is caring. If this post encouraged you, will you share it on Facebook so that it could bless your friends,too? Thanks for helping me to reach more struggling women with encouragement, hope, and grace.

We have a Savior who understands our struggles

This is a guest post by my dear friend, Elizabeth Mckenzie:

The phone rang.  It was a person very dear to me and she was upset, and had been absolutely mortified. As she explained what happened to me I began to sympathize with how she felt. She told me  she was on her way home and she stopped by a family member’s house. Before arriving she was unaware that they had a full house with company. And upon entering the the house her family member’s granddaughter said “What are you doing here? I’m tired of seeing you here!” They all laughed as the child proceeded to keep saying “What are you doing here? It’s you again?” None of the adults reprimanded the child but instead laughed and she did it more.

Something happened in my friend as she stood in that room full of people laughing at her. She felt embarrassed and rejected. Feeling hurt, she made her visit short, not because of what the child said but more so of how the adults responded. Not one person welcomed her as they snickered at the child’s rude behavior. In that moment she felt unwanted and rejected.



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Right now, in the presence of God, Jesus is praying for you

Let’s start with honesty.  I have a broken heart.  For weeks, my heart has hurt.  At times, literally hurt.  Looking at my life, it’s hard to see why.  My children are healthy, my marriage is sound, and the bills are paid.  But lately I have encountered a lot of conflict with people.  I’ve been the subject of gossip, I’ve been hurt by trusted friends, and treasured relationships are in tatters. My heart is in tatters, too.  Broken heart

It is hard to admit, but in defense of those who have hurt me, some of this is probably my fault.   I’ve probably made some mistakes.  But I’ve been following God’s leading to the best of my ability.  I am sure there are things I could have done and said better.  And I wish I had done it better.  I’m left with a heart that is broken and friendships that are shredded to pieces like confetti.   Jesus!


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