How do we handle the burden of mommy guilt?

Beth Moore Bible studies are always life-changing for me.  Somehow the way she leads us through Bible passages and then asks heart-provoking questions leads me to truth.  In my Entrusted study of 2 Timothy, we looked at how Paul served God with a clear conscience and how Jesus’ sacrifice for us enables us to have a clear conscience, too.  And then Beth asked if there was an area where we had a guilty conscience.

I do.  It’s a heavy burden that I have carried around for nineteen years, from the day when I refused to nurse my newborn son because I had postpartum depression.  The staggering load that has weighed me down is mommy guilt.

Yes, mommy guilt.



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Raising a child with a disability is hard, painful, and scary

For 20 years, my family has been on a journey that is different than most families.  My husband and I were young and in love, and the natural consequence of young love is children.  So at the age of 25, I gave birth to a precious baby boy.  That boy was very precocious and he amazed everyone with his giftedness.  No joke, he was reading before he was out of diapers, but he also had social and communication delays that concerned us.  When he was three years old, we contacted our school system and had him evaluated.  He was amazing and gifted, they told us, but they also told us that he had autism.


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Giving my little girl a goodbye hug…but it’s not the last

For years I have known that the day would come…the day that I would take my baby girl, my only daughter, to college.   I used to count how many years until the day, then months, and then weeks.  Now I’m counting days.  I wasn’t sure how I would handle it, but now that it is here, I’m finding that I’m handing it okay.  As long as I don’t think of “the lasts.”



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3 Powerful Lessons from a 102 year old mother

I have a sweet elderly friend that I met when I used to deliver Meals-On-Wheels.  Her name is Frances but the children and I lovingly dubbed her, “Miss Frances.”  Over the past ten years I have watched Miss Frances age.  She transitioned from using a walker to being bedridden to being moved to a nursing home. I no longer deliver Meals-On-Wheels to her home but I deliver cheerful happiness to her in her nursing home every month.  And I gain so much in return.


Miss Frances is now 102 year old and she has two living sons and one who has gone to be with Jesus.  She does not have any daughters to visit her, so when I visit, I dress to the hilt. I put on my flashiest shirt (sequins are great) and pile on my loudest jewelry.  Sometimes I add extra jewelry in the parking lot before I go in.  Miss Frances loves to see my outfit, touch my jewelry, and comment on my hair.  She’s commented on other aspects of my body (including my bra size) and she’s given me sex advice.  She is a hoot.


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Thanks be to Thee

I am honored to present to you a guest post from by my friend, Amber Thornton. She and her husband Michael gracefully model “thankfulness.”  So I asked her to blog about it.  Enjoy.  ~Lisa

Sometimes, you have to dig deep. Real deep.

You know. Those days when the dawn breaks, and it feels like it’s breaking you? The screams of laughter from your loud, but chipper, children in the next room greet you with a sigh as your eyes attempt their opening.

“Can I parent today?”   I think to myself.



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