Which one are you passionate about? Or are you passionate about none? We probably all know someone who is extremely passionate in one of these areas. Is something wrong with us if we aren’t, or if we are passionate in another way?
My church and city are filled with many saints who are passionate in one or more of these areas. I know a lady who stands on the sidewalk near our local abortion clinic and declares life over the unborn. I have a dear friend who is extremely passionate about praying for Israel and educating others about God’s heart for Israel. I am great friends with an amazing couple who have 7 children (3 biological, 4 adopted) and they are in the process of adopting 4 more! These are passionate people who inspire me in many ways.
My pastor and much of our congregation get very excited about studying the times and the seasons of Jesus’ second coming. There is a lot of discussion of how world events are fulfilling prophetic scriptures, indicating that Jesus’ return is very soon. My pastor is a grounded Bible teacher so he finds a balanced way of considering what prophetic voices are saying while staying true to God’s word. He encourages our church body to be sensible, faithful, and wise servants making ready for Jesus’ return (Matthew 24:45).
Okay, are you ready to be shocked? I don’t get excited about what the prophets are saying and what world events are indicating about Jesus’ second coming. Blood moons don’t really do anything for me. The fact that we are in a super Shemitah jubilee year doesn’t really change my day to day life. I don’t find joy in counting the years between major world events involving Israel. 70 this, 40 that. I just don’t get it. Maybe I should.
Now trust me, I am very much looking forward to Jesus’ second coming. I often think of the scripture in 2 Peter 3:12 that says that we are to look for and even hasten the day of the Lord. In the Greek, the word used for hasten means to speed on, to urge on, to await eagerly. I think it is really neat that as I eagerly await Jesus’ 2nd coming, I can speed it up!
I sat at my Bible study desk recently and studied the notes from a sermon about the times and the seasons of Jesus’ second coming. I feel bad, but I don’t share the same level of excitement as those around me. I read over the passage in Matthew 24 that my pastor referenced in his sermon, but I felt no passion or excitement rise up in me. I did pray that I would be alert and ready, as the scriptures said, but studying world events and counting years between them excites me just about as much as a piece of cold cooked broccoli on my plate. (I am bracing for censure here!)
I felt guilty that I was not excited like my pastor and the rest of my church. Clearly something is wrong with me.
And then I prayed. “God, why don’t I get this? Why doesn’t studying world events and blood moons and counting years and Shemitah years make my heart race? Holy Spirit, who guides me into all truth, reveal to me what I am missing and bring correction to me in this matter.” My heart was open, teachable, and humble.
As I sat quietly before the Lord and listened, I heard no words of correction or censure. I felt no conviction of sin, only the admonition of scripture to be alert and ready.
Then this prayer plopped out of my mouth: “God, where do I fall short of making you completely happy?”
This is what I am passionate about! My heart began to stir. This is what I care about: making God completely happy. I want my life to bring so much pleasure to Him. I want Him to look down from heaven and when His eyes land on me, I want His heart to jump with joy. I want my words and deeds to light up His face. When I just sit down to be with Him, I want Him to be delighted. And if there are areas of my life that are not making Him completely happy, I want to know about it.
Making God happy is what I am passionate about! And as you read my words, you may think, “I just don’t get that.” And it’s okay.
I think that God gives us all individual passions on purpose. He cares about so many things…the poor, the unborn, the abused, the sanctity of marriage, godly leaders, Israel, the unsaved. He takes each of the burdens of His heart and places them on ours. With that God-given burden comes a burning desire to pray and act and educate others about our area of passion. We may not “get it” or become excited when someone shares with us what they are passionate about. But I don’t think that means that something is wrong with us.
So what should we do?
Be humble. Be teachable. Be open. Listen to Holy Spirit and respond to His leading. I think that God will make us excited where He needs us to be excited.
God will give us passion where He has created us to incubate passion.
Be you and cultivate YOUR individual, God-given passion. And don’t feel bad if you don’t share mine.
What is your passion?
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I agree with you on the study of the second coming…I have seen so many get all up in it and then just fall flat..I just want to be ready whenever it is and pray that all those we pray for get to know Him hurry up and get ready themselves!!! I am passionate to pray DAILY for all of us to be covered in the Blood , have on the Full Armor of God and thank Him continually that No weapons formed against us will prosper!
Have a Blessed Day!
I agree, everyone needs to be alert and ready! And I love your passion and I can see it expressed in your life so beautifully in your positive, upbeat, faith-filled attitude.
I’ve been praying for a revelation of passion lately. There are so many things that I get excited about but I don’t want to be a Jack of all trades when it comes to passion….I’m really looking for the Lord to put His finger on one thing in my life! Great post! I appreciate and can so relate to your feelings.
I find that my passion is related to the #1 item in my calling, which is simply to love God and be His friend. My passion is different than my ministry or even my spiritual gifts.
Praying for God to reveal to you what area He has called you to incubate and spread passion!