As a speaker and leader, people view me as a Christian woman who has it all together. It has been so freeing to let people in on my secret…that I am far from perfect. I am far from living up to God’s standards. I’m far from living according to His Word. I’m far from measuring up to the expectations of most of the people in my church.
But really, when are honest enough to admit it, we are all broken. None of us measure up.
We all have an area of sin that we struggle to overcome.
We all have some weakness that God has not seen fit to take away.
We all have areas where our hearts are broken.
We’ve all had broken dreams.
We all have insecurity.
We are full of fear and anxiety and stress.
We feel overwhelmed.
Some of us are lonely and depressed.
If we are honest, some of us are even suicidal.
Did you know that your brokenness, your struggle, your weakness does not disqualify you from serving God or others? In fact, God desires to use you – weak, struggling you – in your brokeness to reach other broken people.
God is not scared of our weakness! He is not worried about it. He’s not rushing down off his throne to fix us. He sees your whole story and because He is the author, He knows the end of your story. He knows that your weakness, your brokenness, your struggle is just your present circumstances, not the end of your story. He knows that He promises that He is at work in us and that He is maturing us.
….being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6
God is always at work in you to make you willing and able to obey his own purpose. Philippians 2:13 GNT
God not only is not scared of your weakness, He says that His power is perfected in it.
2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
The Greek word used for “power” in this verse is dunamis. It means miraculous power! It is the same word translated as the word “miracle” in the gospels. It is the same miraculous power that God sent to the believers at Pentecost in Acts 1:8l
It is exciting to know that the same Holy Spirit power that descended at Pentecost is what God is perfecting IN OUR WEAKNESS, IN OUR BROKENNESS, AND IN OUR STRUGGLE.
God is perfecting His miraculous power in our weakness. He can use us in our brokenness to reach other broken people. God is not scared of our weakness.
This quote gives me great hope:
God is not looking for perfection, God is looking for your pursuit – Dr. Faith Wokoma
Girls, it’s okay to be weak. The Apostle Paul was not scared of it. In fact, He delighted in it. For he knew this fact:
When we are weak, then we are strong.
What about you? How is God’s miraculous power being perfected in your weakness?
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Sharing is caring. If this post encouraged you, will you share it on Facebook so that it could bless your friends,too? Thanks for helping me to reach more struggling women with encouragement, hope, and grace.