God, thank you for loving me in my mess.
In my beautiful broken fragile humanness, You love me.
You love me when someone “pushes my buttons” and I respond defensively
You love me when fear robs me of my peace
You love me when someone tells me how to live my life and I get angry
You love me when grief consumes my heart
You love me when I’m having a pity party
You love me when I cuss at bad drivers
You love me when depression robs me of my joy
You love me when I fail to trust You
You love me when I’m ungrateful for the things you do for me
You love me when I’m jealous of the beautiful, successful, capable women that I see
You love me when I have to take medication to function
You love me when I am not sure if You will protect me
You love me when I am deceived by lies
You love me when I fall into sin, again
You love me when vanity leads my heart astray
You love me when I have made approval and acceptance idols
You love me when I take your name in vain
You love me when I’m overwhelmed
You love me when I’m lonely
You love me when I hurt others
You love me when I want to crawl into a hole and not come out
You love me when fear causes my heart to race and my hands to shake
You love me when I put my trust in man and not in You
You love me when I’m self-centered
You love me when I’m afraid
You love me when I console myself with sugar and shopping
You love me when I can’t see the blessings that you send my way
You love me when I’m confused
You love me when my faith is smaller than a mustard seed
You love me when I make a mess of everything
You love me when I fail
You love me when I don’t even have the courage to try
You love me when I’ve made my bed and now I have to lie in it.
You love me when I don’t want to live
You love me when I don’t want to obey Your Word
You love me when I feel stupid
You love me when I live with regrets
You love me when I want to make a name for myself
You love me when I don’t want to pray
You love me when I want to give up
You love me when I feel insignificant and insecure
You love me when I feel like my life doesn’t matter
You love me when.
In any condition.
In any situation.
In any location.
You love me when I am a messed up, messing up, broken fragile human being.
You love me because I am a messed up, messing up, broken fragile human being.
You can’t help Yourself, because You created this messed up, messing up, broken fragile human being.
And You can’t help but to love me.
You will always, forever, love me.
Even when I am me, and not yet who You created me to be.
You love me when.
Even then.
You love me.
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