My jealousy starts in Exodus 24, after God has verbally given the Law to Moses. After the people of Israel agreed to be obedient to the Law, Moses and 73 of his friends ascended Mt. Sinai to meet with God. Exodus 24:10-11 says, “They saw the God of Israel….they beheld God, and they ate and drank.” These men were having a dinner party with the creator of the universe up on a mountain. I’m jealous.
Then Moses gets to go on a 40 day retreat with God in the midst of a cloud on the mountain.
My jealousy continues in Exodus 33 that describes how God would speak with Moses in the tent of meeting. “Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend.” (Verse 11) Have any of you ever had an audible conversation with God? I haven’t. I long to have this intimate relationship with God where I would hear His words spoken audibly to me, just as I speak to my friends.
My jealousy peaks in Exodus 34 when Moses goes up the mountain for another 40 day retreat for God to create new tablets to replace the ones that Moses, in his anger, had broken. I won’t mention that Moses didn’t eat or drink during that time, because I’m certainly not jealous that. After the time with God, Moses descended the mountain, and His face glowed because He had spoken with God. It glowed so much that he had to cover his face with a veil so that other’s eyes wouldn’t be blinded. That’s just not fair.
What was it that made Moses so special in the eyes of God? I want it. I want to be that kind of child of God. I want to be that kind of leader. I want to be a friend of God like Moses was. I am so jealous of their relationship. I want my relationship with God to be just like Moses’.
Something deep in my spirit longs to see God. My insides quake at the idea of beholding God. I want to spend long periods of time alone with God, on the mountain. I want to speak with God as I would with my friends. I want my face to shine because I have been spending time with God. I CRAVE this type of intimate relationship with God.
Do you?
I’m not sure how to get it, but I am afraid that it is costly. The price is certainly obedience and surrender. Moses was put through the ringer and his faith and obedience were tested time and time again. Pharoah. The golden calf. The rebellion of Korah. Moses faced armies, betrayal, disappointment, frustration, personal failure, and imminent disaster. But Moses continued to obey God and surrender to His voice. Moses laid down his life in service to God. And Moses got to behold Him.
Oh girls, if you long to have this intimate relationship with the creator of the universe, simply surrender your will to His. Let your prayer be “Not my will but yours be done.” Let your creed be “My life is not my own, I was bought with a price.” Let your desire be to take up your cross and follow Him.
I believe if we do this, our faces with shine, too, with the glory of God’s presence. And we will walk in an intimate relationship with God and we will be His friend.
I want this. I’m pursuing this intimacy with God out of a jealous love. What about you?
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