Two years ago, I taught a Facebook Live Bible study each Thursday morning at 9 am. I taught the book of Hebrews every week for about eight weeks. It was very unnerving and exhilarating to broadcast live. You are very conscious of how you look and if you made a mistake, there’s no going back. Live means live!
When the Bible study was over, people begged me to teach another one. I vaguely replied, “I’ll think about it.”
That was two years ago. And I’ve thought about it. And the truth is this:
I’m terrified of Facebook Live.
Some major things happened in my life in the past two years. I endured some backlash and rejection from people who disagreed with me over something I taught. This resulted in strain or estrangement with five friends, whom I dearly loved. My heart was crushed, but God has been healing it. It was partly my fault – I’m not perfect and I’m no saint – but it was also a result of me teaching what God gave me to teach.
“All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”
2 Timothy 3:12
So I’ve been afraid to teach on a live social media platform. I’m leery of making people mad and losing friends. I’m afraid of getting hurt so I’ve built up walls to protect myself. I’m happy to go and speak to strangers at MOPS groups and women’s retreats and Stonecroft meetings, but teaching live for my Facebook “Friends” to watch- no way!
Are there things that you know that you should do, but you are avoiding them like me? Are you letting fear of failure or rejection keeping you from moving forward?
Recently I read something in my devotional, My Utmost for His Highest, that challenged my thinking. It said this:
Ouch. I had been through “fire of sorrow” but I had allowed it to change who I was, instead of preserving who I was. God made me to be a teacher, and I have let rejection and pain and fear of being hurt prevent me from teaching. I have not fully been the person God created me to be.
After reading this devotional, I made a bold (and scary) decision. I was not going to let my fear of teaching on Facebook Live prevent me from being who God created me to be.
I am a teacher. Teaching the truths of God’s Word is what I do. Period.
I’m going to be who God created me to be. If I get hurt, I get hurt, but I will learn and grow from it, and God will heal me. I choose to trust Him.
I’m going to teach on a Live social media platform again. It might be on Facebook, or perhaps Instagram. It is one of my goals for 2018. With God’s help, I will overcome my fear and courageously do it. I still have 5 more months to build up my courage!
What about you? Is there an area of your life where you have gone through sorrow and difficulty and you have let it change who God created you to be? Pray and ask God to restore the self God created you to be. We need you to be you, so don’t hold back on being you. Let’s be ourselves.
And if you see me teaching live, pray for me, because I will probably be shaking in my boots. 🙂
PS If you are curious, here are the Facebook Live videos that I recorded in 2016.
PSS If you would like to see my latest John Bible study video, “Jesus gives the best gifts” click here:
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